The Top 7 Tips for a Successful Video Interview (Live or Prerecorded)

Top 7 Tips

When preparing for a video interview there are a few tips that we would recommend that you consider. Here is Think Global Recruitment’s Top 7 Tips to make sure you have a quality and successful video interview.

1.  Be Prepared

When it comes time for the interview set up early to avoid having technical issues. You want to make sure that your webcam and microphone are working properly before the interview so test these out in the control panel of your computer.

2.  Be Presentable

Although this may be happening in the comfort of your own home still dress presentably as you would for a normal interview.

3.  Choose a good location

There’s nothing worse than having a messy or distracting background in the video. Try and choose a location that best resembles a professional environment with minimal decorations. We also recommend that you make sure there is adequate lighting in the room and that you do not record in front of a window.

4.  Focus on the interview

Try and make sure all distractions are out of the room. For example, if you have pets make sure that they are not in the room and that people know not to come in. Also, make sure your phone is switched off and any other electrical appliances that might make noise.

5.  Speak clearly and slowly

As you will be speaking to an international employer make sure that you speak a bit slower that usual and annunciate your words. This is especially important for video interviews as microphones vary in quality so it is easier to miss or distort words.

Web cam

6.  Behave as you would in a normal interview

Just because you are not meeting face to face doesn’t mean that you should change your behaviour. Act as you would in a normal interview -sit up straight, don’t fidget and look at the camera to maintain eye contact with your interviewer.

7.  Do the interview!

Now you’re ready to go for your video interview. Remember to prepare for these as you would for a normal interview and carefully plan out your answers.  Make sure you show the right level of enthusiasm for the job and the location and impress your employer by doing your research.


Good luck from all the team here at Think Global Recruitment!

Youtube link
Check out our Youtube Video of These Top Tips

For further information on the international recruitment process please visit our advice section or get in touch here and one of our advisors will arrange an appointment.